Saturday, May 7, 2011

Zagreb to Budapest via Maribor

The train trip from Zagreb to Budapest was over 10 hours, so as I had to change trains anyway I decided to stop in Maribor (in Slovenia near the boarder) for a couple of nights on the way. I didn't know anything about Maribor before I got there, but it turned out to be a really lovely place.


This grape vine in Maribor is in the Guinness Book of Records for being the oldest noble vine in the world.

Maribor is the best wine region in Slovenia. This is the view form a  shop where I was drinking wine.

Countryside near Maribor

Countryside near Maribor

The train from Maribor to Budapest was a bit strange. I had originally planned to go via Vienna because the train trip from Graz to Vienna is supposed to be spectacular, but the tickets cost almost three times more than the other train, and both ways took the same time so I decided to go with the cheaper option without having done any research on where I was going. The train itself was quite good, but I think we spent almost as much time sitting at stations as moving and the train kept changing direction so I had no idea where we were. I looked up the route on the map later and it actually was zigzaging all over the place so it wasn't just me going crazy.

The trains have compartments.

From the train

From the train. Hungarian countryside is not as interesting as Slovenian countryside.

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