Friday, June 3, 2011

Scottish Highlands Part 3

This is going to be my last "Scottish Highlands" post. We spent 3 nights on the Isle of Skye and experienced almost all weather conditions from storms, mist, and light rain to sunshine and clear skies. Despite having grand plans for long hikes and mountain climbing we soon discovered that we were woefully unprepared without waterproof clothes and shoes so we settled for a few shorter walks instead.

Hills with mist

Glenbrittle beach.

View from a parking spot about 10 minutes drive from our hostel.

We stayed in a fantastic hostel called Skyewalkers. There was a bit of a starwars theme but not too over the top. Mainly it was just a really friendly hostel. The owners used to play folk music professionally and they gave a great mini concert one night. They were really good - I would have paid to see them. 

Giant chess set at the hostel

example of star wars theme

Driving in Scotland. The sheep were staring us down and weren't too keen on  letting us through.

The start of one of our walks.

River crossing. The first creek we spent about 20 minutes finding a way across without getting our feet wet. At the second one we gave up and just walked through.


Talisker Bay.
Next stop is the Orkney Islands!

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