Wednesday, June 22, 2011


We only had 3 nights (2 full days) in Paris so we were on the go all the time to try and see as much as possible. Fortunately, we were lucky enough to sit next to a really friendly man from France (now living in Barcelona) on the plane. He gave us his map of Paris, made some excellent suggestions of things to do and circled all the places we should avoid at night.

We found a good deal on wotif so stayed in a hotel which was like luxury for us - our own room, an ensuite and a decent breakfast!

The Seine River at dusk

A street in Paris

The Catacombes. By the 17th century people were getting sick from drinking water contaminated  by decaying bodies in the cemetery so they dug up all the graves and lined the walls of an old quarry with the bones. 

More of the Catacombes

Entrance to the Louvre. We decided not to go in and went to the Musee  d'Orsay instead to see the old train station and the impressionist art inside. It was really good... we saw some Monet, Manet, Van Gough and many others.

View from the Arc de Triomphe

Cars on the Champs Elysees. And this was only a Sunday evening...

The Eiffel Tower

Andy and the Eiffel Tower

.... and the tower at night from a river cruise.

The delicious Macaroon we shared with our picnic lunch. 

Inside Notre Dame Cathedral

Inside Notre Dame Cathedral


  1. This is a great post! You seem to have travelled everywhere in Europe! did you do this via bus or rail!? I am thinking of taking a city break in Prague and travel around Europe by rail! can't wait!

    1. Mostly train, but a few buses in eastern europe. Enjoy Prague - I would have loved to go there but I ran out of time!
