Sunday, April 24, 2011

Venice 22/4/11 - 23/4/11

I love Venice!

I am not really sure what to write – I have seen so many things in the last two days that is seems a bit pointless (and boring) to list them all. I took almost 300 photos – and I would have taken more except my camera battery started getting a bit low so I had to start holding back a little – so I think I will just put some photos up rather than write much more.

Grand Canal

So many people!

Punta della Dogana da Mar (I think - that's what the map says)

Inside one of the few church's that lets people take photos

Highlights were Burano and Torcello islands, the cemetery, and the lookout at the top of S. Giorgio Maggiore (which I only visited because it was recommended by a lady I ate breakfast with). It had incredible views over all of Venice and no queue! I also checked out the Rialto Markets. The food looked so good I wish I had a kitchen so that I could buy some.

Burano Island

Burano Island

Boat near Torcello Island
View from San Giorgio Maggiore


  1. Hey Julia,

    Did you take a gondola around the canals?
    Also, the Rialto Brisge is pretty touristy, but it's a pretty cool bridge over the main canal. It seems a lot busier than when I was there. I was a little surprised that when the tide came in the water seeped back up through all the gutters and drains in the city.


  2. Hi Julia,

    Love the blog. It is very good,please keep it going. I think I will show to my Tourism class instead of teaching them "Finance"- if that is OK with you.
    Jim S

  3. To Rob: No, I didn't go on a gondola - it was too expensive and i wasn;t really that keen anyway. I did go to the Rialto Bridge. I ate gelati there and I remember thinking at the time that it would be a good facebook status update. Any suggestion for Budapest or Krakow?

    To Jim: Sure you can use the blog for your class. I think pretty much anything would be more interesting than Finance.

  4. Thanks Julia. They all loved it and now expect to see it every day !
    Looking forward to your spin on BUD- I will be there on Jun 4.

  5. If you go to Budapest check out the hot spring baths. Apparently they are really old and beautiful. The House of Terror is good if you like war history. It's located in the old Gestapo building.

    In Krakov there is the Wieliczka Salt Mine. It's not really a mine, it's more like a palace made out of salt. I heard is was pretty spectacular but I didn't end up going. The jewish district is interesting, but not all that impressive if you don't have a guide with you to tell you the history of the area.
