Saturday, April 23, 2011

Milan 21/4/11

I arrived in Milan at 9:30am after an uneventful flight. I got the train into the city and eventually found my hotel. It took over 40mins to walk what google maps said should be 15mins and I am not sure whether to blame the bad street signs in Milan or my bad map reading. After leaving my bag at the hotel I went for a long walk to keep myself awake. I was keeping an eye out for  both a supermarket and an information centre and didn’t find either, so I had coffee and gelati for lunch. As I hadn’t really done any research on Milan before arriving, not finding the info centre meant I didn’t know what to look for so I just wandered around hoping to find something interesting.

I did come across the Duomo (big catherdral) in the middle of the old town, and went for a walk down the main fashion street. On my way back, after resigning myself to pizza for dinner and hoping it wouldn’t make me feel too sick (I knew I would be too tired to go out again once the restaurants opened), I found a supermarket and got some cheese, ham, strawberries and chocolate for tea.

My dinner


  1. Hi Juls! Good work on the blog. Hope you
    Can keep it up better than me, then I'll have something to read at work as well :)
    I never went to Milan, it was too much of a detour for me.
    It sounds like you need an iPhone to assist with navigation. This would also assist with locating supermarkets and info centers, two things I was often on the lookout for. I like that you were happy just to wander around though, that's a good way to see things.

  2. Hi Ned,
    Thanks for the comment - it is good to know someone is reading, that makes me more likely to keep it up. An iPhone would be handy for finding things. I guess I will just have to be more organised and look up some maps before I arrive at different places.
