Saturday, April 30, 2011

Ljubljana 28/4 - 30/5

Ljubljana is the capital of Slovenia, and is a very small city with only about 270,000 people. As you can imagine, the city itself is quite small, but as it is located pretty much in the middle of Slovenia it is very easy to do day trips from. There is an interesting story about how Ljubljana got the dragon for its coat of arms (and there are dragons all over the city). The Wikipedia explanations is pretty good: “According to the celebrated Greek legend, the Argonauts on their return home after having taken the Golden Fleece found a large lake surrounded by a marsh between the present-day cities of Vrhnika and Ljubljana. It is there that Jason struck down a monster. This monster has become the dragon that today is present on the city's coat of arms and flag.”

A dragon on Dragon Bridge

People who are in love write their names on padlocks and then lock them to the bridge.

My first day trip was to the Skocjan Caves in the south-west of Slovenia. The caves are a UNESCO natural world heritage site and were recommended to me by lots of other backpackers. It turned out to be quite easy to get there. A one and a half hour train trip, and the train was met by a free bus to the caves. I hadn’t expected the bus and had planned a one hour walk to get to the caves so I had heaps of extra time to look around before the tour. There were a few little museums nearby too so I went to some of them, and also a few lookouts. The caves themselves were amazing! It actually reminded me a bit of the caves in the Lord of the Rings movie, with huge caverns and a river flowing below. There were no photos allowed in the caves so I have added a link to google pictures, although even those pictures don’t show how beautiful it was.

Friday was the day I had planned for looking around Ljubljana. It was raining (it has rained every day so far) so I didn’t end up doing much. I had planned to join the free walking tour but it was cancelled (and won’t run again until after I leave) so instead I wandered round the old town and then visited the castle. Inside there was an excellent exhibition on the history of Slovenia. I quite like history so but by the end of the exhibition I was exhausted from attempting to take in so much information! So many empires have tried (with quite a few succeeding) to invade Slovenia over the last 2000 years. The 20th century history is also really interesting. Afterwards I went for a late lunch with some people I met at the castle and had a quiet night at the hostel planning the next week.

Old Town, Ljubljana

Ljubljana Castle

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Bled and Bohinj 24/4 - 26/4

Getting from Veince to Bled took a whole day, and it was the kind of day that if it happened at home I would have thought it was terrible but because I am in Europe it was kind of fun. The first leg of my trip was a train from Venice to Gorizia which is on the Italian side of the Italy-Slovenia border. The trains don’t run across the border anymore, so the idea is that you get a train to Gorizia, then get a 10min bus to Nova Gorica and continue on from the train station there. The recommended changeover time is 40mins and I had 3 hours so I thought I would have no problems. However when I got to Gorizia and asked where the bus left from I was told that the bus doesn’t run on Sundays. I was quite sure I had read that the bus ran every day – I checked this because I knew I would be travelling on a Sunday – so I waited around at the station for about 20mins hoping it would come and then psyched myself up for the 5km walk. At least this time I had learnt from my day in Milan and had printed out a map in case I needed it. About 500m down the road I saw the bus coming the other way! So I hurried to the next stop and caught it on it’s way back. I was the only person on the bus and I wasn’t quite sure where to get off, but fortunately the first thing that looked like a train station actually was a train station so I got off at the right stop.

I have no idea what anything means in Slovenian - it is impossible to even guess!

The next train trip from Nova Gorica to Bled Jezero was incredible. I am really glad I got the train rather than a bus because the scenery was amazing. When I got off the train I had a 25-30 minute walk to get to the town and about 5 minutes after I started I heard thunder, 1 minute later it was pouring rain! By the time I found somewhere to shelter I was soaked, so when the rain didn’t stop after about 10mins I figured I may as well keep going. At least now I know the rain cover for my pack works because nothing inside was wet when I arrived.

The storm continued all night, but fortunately the next day was lovely and sunny. I climbed a very steep hill to get a view over Lake Bled and the Church on the island in the middle of the lake. It was a bit hazy so it looked quite magical – like in fairytales.

Island and Church

Bled Castle

Rowing out to the Island

View from the mountain

After that I walked around the lake. I had planned to visit the castle in the afternoon but I met a girl at the hostel who had been there in the morning and she said it wasn’t worth the entrance fee so we decided to go and eat cream cakes on the lake instead. The cream cakes are a Bled specialty and are like a huge vanilla slice with an extra layer of cream as thick as the vanilla layer. It was very nice but not something I could eat too often. We definitely needed the coffee to go with it or it would have been too sweet to finish. Then at about 4pm another storm started so that was it for sightseeing for the day. 

Cream cakes and coffee

Today I got up early and went to Bohinj, which is a town about 40 minutes from Bled with another lake and an entrance to the Triglav National Park. There were 6 others getting on the bus at Bled, all Australians, so we had a good chat on the way and worked out what the best things to do were. I ended up spending the day with Ingrid, who is about 5 years older than me and living in Berlin, and her mother who is visiting from Queensland for a few weeks. First we did a 45 minute walk to a waterfall, only to find when we got there that the waterfall was an extra 20mins walk away and that you had to pay to get in. We decided that the first walk was nice enough and we could see much nicer waterfalls at home (there was a photo so we got the general idea). Instead we decided to spend out money going up the Gondola to the ski resort. That was an excellent choice because we had amazing views over the whole park from the top!

Top of the Gondola Ride
After lunch we did another walk, this time around the lake. It was really beautiful - all of the wildflowers were out and we saw lizards, butterflies, fish and snakes. Before that i didn't even know there were snakes in Slovenia. We were also quite lucky with the weather, because on arriving back in Bled we discovered it had been raining there during the afternoon but we had sun all day.

Walking Path


Lake Bohinj

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Venice 22/4/11 - 23/4/11

I love Venice!

I am not really sure what to write – I have seen so many things in the last two days that is seems a bit pointless (and boring) to list them all. I took almost 300 photos – and I would have taken more except my camera battery started getting a bit low so I had to start holding back a little – so I think I will just put some photos up rather than write much more.

Grand Canal

So many people!

Punta della Dogana da Mar (I think - that's what the map says)

Inside one of the few church's that lets people take photos

Highlights were Burano and Torcello islands, the cemetery, and the lookout at the top of S. Giorgio Maggiore (which I only visited because it was recommended by a lady I ate breakfast with). It had incredible views over all of Venice and no queue! I also checked out the Rialto Markets. The food looked so good I wish I had a kitchen so that I could buy some.

Burano Island

Burano Island

Boat near Torcello Island
View from San Giorgio Maggiore

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Milan 21/4/11

I arrived in Milan at 9:30am after an uneventful flight. I got the train into the city and eventually found my hotel. It took over 40mins to walk what google maps said should be 15mins and I am not sure whether to blame the bad street signs in Milan or my bad map reading. After leaving my bag at the hotel I went for a long walk to keep myself awake. I was keeping an eye out for  both a supermarket and an information centre and didn’t find either, so I had coffee and gelati for lunch. As I hadn’t really done any research on Milan before arriving, not finding the info centre meant I didn’t know what to look for so I just wandered around hoping to find something interesting.

I did come across the Duomo (big catherdral) in the middle of the old town, and went for a walk down the main fashion street. On my way back, after resigning myself to pizza for dinner and hoping it wouldn’t make me feel too sick (I knew I would be too tired to go out again once the restaurants opened), I found a supermarket and got some cheese, ham, strawberries and chocolate for tea.

My dinner